Friday, May 30, 2008


let me introduce you to these all new PSYKOFAKTORY logo.. i called it 'Squash', yeah, that is some kind of code name. so in the future i don't be confused if i've done a lot of PF (psykofaktory) logos.. :D. for your info.. squash is the name of a kind of yellow or orange color that i've insert in the upper body of the logo. in previous PF logo, the colors is just red, now the PF logo contains a new colors, and that is squash!

with this new logo..i hope it can provoke a new spirit, new hope, new creativity and new energy to find a better things than yesterday..aminn


Antown said...

mantap mas karya2nya!
salam kenal...

moodylicious wen said...

saya suka logo yang iniii.... kok gak pake logo ini di avatarnya?

maaaaassss.... bikinin sandalmeraaaahhh....:D